
Highly experienced advisors, all experts in their fields, backed by IBRS’s research

Save Time | Save Money | Mitigate Risk | In-Context Advice | Skills Development | Personal Touch

Consulting Services

IBRS consulting services provide highly experienced advisors, all experts in their fields, backed by IBRS’s research, better practice frameworks and practical processes. 

Our consulting methodology is all-inclusive, which means we work closely with our clients to ensure any outcomes are owned by the organisation. Your teams are continunally involved throughout the course of the engagement, ensuring knowledge and skills transfer. 

IBRS delivers consulting through the entire ICT decision lifecycle. From running workshops, through to complete procurement lifecycle, IBRS can work closely with you to achieve your desired outcomes.

At the completion of each engagement our research and advisory clients have access to the ongoing support they need to assist in implementing recommendations and we regularly check in on progress

Why Choose IBRS Consulting?

  • Independence: IBRS is not affiliated with any vendor or managed service provider. Our recommendations reflect industry better practices and can be implemented by any partner that the client would choose at a later stage.
  • Speed and efficiency: IBRS uses rapid evaluation models derived from IBRS research and decades of advisors’ experience.
  • Integrated research and consulting capability: Our consulting services are backed by ongoing, industry-leading research programs.  IBRS produces weekly research content on the latest industry best-practices. These well-researched, practical best practices inform our consulting projects.
  • Senior practitioners: IBRS advisors all have decades of experience working in senior ICT roles in both public and private oraganisations. Most importantly, the senior advisors that delivers your proposal are the same that perform the consulting.
  • Real-world, measurable outcomes: Our consulting services focus on delivering real world outcomes that can be implemented.

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