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Four Tactics to Prepare Managers for Digitally-Enabled Business Change
Callie Evans
19 February, 2025
How can managers prepare for digitally-enabled business change?
Four Tactics to Prepare Managers for Digitally-Enabled Business Change
How can managers prepare for digitally-enabled business change?
The human element of disaster management
The impact of a disaster on employees must be included in a recovery plan. Employees will be needed, but may not be able to work.
Peter Hall
5 February, 2020
Implementing the ASD Essential Eight Part 2: A Fresh Viewpoint
As detailed in part one of this pair of notes, the Australian Signals Directorate’s Essential Eight (E8) are detailed technical recommendations for securing an information infrastructure. Implementing them has been touted as being effective against over 85 % of potential attacks. It is hard to ignore that benefit to an organisation’s security stance.
Peter Sandilands
5 February, 2020