Data Retention

Why Enterprises Cannot Realise the Full Value of AI

With AI now being recognised as a transformational asset in enterprises, companies that have joined the bandwagon because of a need to automate operations or out of fear of missing out often fall short of realising the full benefits of AI. IBRS discusses the reasons behind this and how they can optimise their AI spend.

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The Risks of First Party Data Sharing

The rate at which data is being generated by and for use in marketing and customer services is accelerating. This increase in both data velocity and volume is forcing organisations to refocus efforts on compliance with security and privacy mandates, not just locally, but globally.

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business people cloud computing

Modernising Analytics In The Cloud – Governance

Enterprise Cloud environments are best managed if proper data warehouse governance is implemented through procedures, policies, and processes that promote accessibility, serviceability, integrity, and security of data in the Cloud. How can organisations build effective data governance measures to ensure the consistency and trustworthiness of their stored information?

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Trends in Data Catalogues

Data catalogues are an emerging technology within the enterprise data architecture market. They require a level of, and structure in data teams’ maturity to be effective.

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