
team work process

Sourcing Monthly April 2024

IBRS Sourcing Monthly brings you the latest news and deals in the Australian IT world. This month, latest trends in offshore investment and local provider sourcing in the APAC region.

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AI Bill of Rights – Cheat Sheet

The AI Bill of Rights Blueprint prioritises safe systems, algorithmic discrimination, data privacy, notice and explanation, and human alternatives. Stay informed about the latest developments in responsible and ethical AI practices.

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The Future of Shared Services

Explore the future of shared services and the impact of SaaS in this insightful IBRS Special Report. Stay ahead of the game and ensure your organisation’s success in the digital era.

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Internet of Things (IoT) in Collaborative Workplaces

IoT technologies offer immense potential for enterprises to transform into intelligent workplaces that learn from and adapt to user behaviours, enhancing efficiency, productivity, and collaboration. Enterprise leaders should take advantage of these so they can accelerate their organisation’s digital transformation journey through collaborative processes.

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The Future of Software Teams in the Era of AI

The integration of AI and low-code tools into software development has raised speculations about the demand for software engineers. What impact does AI and AI-powered low-code have on the future of coding professionals? How will the landscape of software development change?

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