Latest Advisory

Time for an Ethical Framework for AI

ChatGPT is becoming a watershed moment in artificial intelligence (AI). Its rapid adoption and the myriad of developments which will follow are underlining the need for organisations to urgently consider adopting an Ethical AI Framework to ensure that the technology is not misused.

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Careless Talk – Why Water Cooler Sessions Are Not Social Events

Water cooler sessions offer opportunities for teams to participate in casual conversations among their fellow employees. Yet, many members of the organisation are less engaged in such discussions. What keeps them from participating, and what can be done to increase attendees’ willingness and sustain their interest?

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The Customer Identity and Access Management (CIAM) Guide for the Enterprise: Securing Customer Identity in the Customer Journey

Customer experience is never complete without a solid security strategy. Unknown to most enterprises, the linear path of a customer journey necessitates an equal security approach in each interaction to establish trust in the relationship between the brand and the consumer. IBRS explores what solutions an enterprise must invest in to secure each stage of the journey.

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Hopes and Dreams for When Data Mesh Meets Reality

The notion of data mesh is highly appealing, as business stakeholders desire ready access to data for analytics. In their eyes, they own the data and should have easy access in a manner that avoids the delays of a centralised data management approach. However, many organisations are buying into a simplistic and unworkable definition of data mesh, often treating the concept as a technology solution, rather than a governance philosophy. IBRS discusses the role of data mesh in organisations and how data analytics teams must function.

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