VENDORiQ: Secure Code Warrior Adds a Yardstick for Secure Coding Skills
IBRS analysis sheds light on the importance of continuous measurement of secure coding skills and industry benchmarks for cybersecurity readiness.
IBRS analysis sheds light on the importance of continuous measurement of secure coding skills and industry benchmarks for cybersecurity readiness.
How we authenticate ourselves online is of paramount importance. Traditionally, passwords have been the go-to method, serving as a unique identifier to confirm one’s identity. However, the landscape of authentication has witnessed significant evolution, largely driven by vulnerabilities associated with password-based systems.
Zero trust is the current rallying cry for security architecture. Does that signal the death knell for firewalls?
Are human penetration testers still necessary if the task can be automated?
Does the LastPass breach signal the end for password managers?
The prospect of losing personal information (PI) should terrify most organisations. But PI is essential to success. Here are several mitigation strategies.
Rather than just buying into the latest cyber security tools, many organisations can enhance their defensive posture against ransomware by adopting a few manageable operational activities
Will open-source finally link security tools effectively? Vendors are now driving integration of information.
FIDO rears its head in the hunt for passwordless solutions.