Philip Nesci

Developing a Business Case for AI-Enabled Projects

AI-enabled projects differ from traditional IT projects. As the adoption of AI solutions gathers pace, CIOs are being increasingly pressed to articulate business cases for AI-enabled projects. This paper provides guidance to CIO’s developing AI business cases.

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What Impact Will AI Have on Customer Experience?

Since gaining mass awareness during 2023, the adoption of generative AI is impacting a multitude of industries and business functions. One of the areas which is rapidly being transformed is customer experience. CIOs need to urgently consider the opportunities and the risks of AI in customer service and marketing.

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The Top Reasons Why ERP Projects Fail – Lessons From the Front

Numerous organisations are currently embarking on ERP implementations or significant upgrades. These large-scale projects often prove complex and challenging, frequently falling short in terms of cost, time, and business benefits. Why do ERP projects frequently face setbacks or fail to meet expectations, and what strategies can organisations employ to minimise these risks?

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