Business Intelligence
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Workforce transformation: The four operating models of business intelligence
One of the misconceptions in business intelligence (BI) is that the goal is to capture and report upon all available data. This misses an essential business maxim: data is only useful when it is applied deliberately and with a clear goal in mind.
Joseph Sweeney
12 May, 2020
Marketing KPIs That Drive Your Digital Strategy
Marketers and digital strategists unify through common goals and strategic intent. By mapping marketing activities and performance indicators directly to the goals of the digital strategy, organisations can achieve improved efficiency and outcomes.
David Beal
1 April, 2020
Workforce transformation Part 2: The evolving role of folders for controlled collaboration
Joseph Sweeney
1 October, 2019
Analytics Artificial Intelligence Maturity Model
Artificial intelligence (AI) is an emerging technology that can be applied across business lines and yield significant results when aligned with business priorities.
Wissam Raffoul
3 December, 2018