Exclusive: SailPoint ANZ- Firms lack identity security frameworks – ITBrief Australia 23 May 2023
IBRS advisor Joseph Sweeney was recently featured in an exclusive article discussing a cyber security report released by SailPoint.
IBRS advisor Joseph Sweeney was recently featured in an exclusive article discussing a cyber security report released by SailPoint.
Jamf has introduced Jamf Executive Threat Protection, an advanced detection and response tool for mobile devices, to support government agencies, media and entertainment. Jamf is better known for its iOS device management solution and strong position within education. Does Jamf have what it takes to move into the end-point protection space – especially for highly sensitive organisations?
Customer experience is never complete without a solid security strategy. Unknown to most enterprises, the linear path of a customer journey necessitates an equal security approach in each interaction to establish trust in the relationship between the brand and the consumer. IBRS explores what solutions an enterprise must invest in to secure each stage of the journey.
Are human penetration testers still necessary if the task can be automated?
The ICTs function is susceptible to corruption risks because of its many responsibilities and touchpoints, but there is an upside – this very exposure means that ICT is uniquely placed to help defend the organisation. But the onus is on the CIO and senior ICT executives to act.
No cyber security program can be successful if the executive buy-in is not secured during its initial planning stages. However, many organisations still lack top management that believes in a strong security culture – or invest the time and resources needed to establish and maintain one. What factors contribute to their shortsightedness, and what strategies can CISOs use to convince them otherwise?
An IBRSiQ on cyber response communications and cyber breaches. Discover the areas or problems that IBRS can assist you with.
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Building defences against customer data breaches requires enterprises to efficiently govern, assess, and control access to safeguard information. IBRS explores some strategies to reduce the impact of threats by adding layers of security to ensure business compliance to regulatory standards and increase customer confidence.