Latest Advisory

Corruption Prevention and Response

Recent, highly-publicised cyber incidents have made IT-related criminal acts of all types newsworthy, and severely tested the tolerance of the market (customers, regulators, and insurers) with organisations that suffer from them. As a result, organisations can no longer be satisfied with stopping or reacting to IT crime in ways that previously sufficed.

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Sourcing Monthly January 2023

In this edition of Sourcing Monthly we are seeing some large deals and reports indicate that while companies are being a lot more cautious with their spend on managed and professional services, they are trying to make the most of their opportunities.

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The Value of Over-Communication in Hybrid ICT Teams

Many organisations have adopted hybrid work, but balancing in-office and remote work performance is proving difficult for some managers. IBRS explores the critical leadership skills that improve outcomes in hybrid world scenarios for ICT teams.

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