Successful ICT Budgeting – Webinar and Presentation Kit
Does your ICT department receive the right amount of funding? Creating a successful budget plan is an important business process for your organisation.
Does your ICT department receive the right amount of funding? Creating a successful budget plan is an important business process for your organisation.
The ICTs function is susceptible to corruption risks because of its many responsibilities and touchpoints, but there is an upside – this very exposure means that ICT is uniquely placed to help defend the organisation. But the onus is on the CIO and senior ICT executives to act.
Recent, highly-publicised cyber incidents have made IT-related criminal acts of all types newsworthy, and severely tested the tolerance of the market (customers, regulators, and insurers) with organisations that suffer from them. As a result, organisations can no longer be satisfied with stopping or reacting to IT crime in ways that previously sufficed.
Organisations are finally getting serious about cyber crime. But this is only one type of criminal activity, and IT departments must be equally vigilant against other types of crime.
Informed operational implementation of the core, shared and local systems’ classification structure establishes a powerful tool for assured IT management, and empowers IT teams to maximise their impact against the investment of money, time and effort.
Clarity around which are core, shared, and local IT systems, and the implications that follow from this, empowers IT teams to maximise their impact against money, time, and effort.
Maturity models are a highly effective tool for structuring, tracking and reporting the improvement in important process areas of an IT organisation. But how do you begin the journey, and how do you succeed in demonstrating reward for your efforts?
This article addresses how to implement maturity models. A previous article described what maturity models are and why they should be used.
These days, maturity models seem to be everywhere. IBRS alone has published scores of research articles utilising them. But what exactly are maturity models, what are they good for, and how can they be used effectively?
This article addresses what maturity models are and are not good for – a future article will address their use.